Monday, March 05, 2007

I forgot!

I forgot some news! Yesterday we turned Landon's car seat around to face front. Plus he's in the middle of the backseat now too, so he can really see out. He wasn't sure about the whole situation though. In true Landon form, he maintained a very serious expression while staring intently at everything he could see!
But I wanted to get the seat turned around before our trip to the farm, to give him a chance to get used to it. Hopefully he's still able to sleep nicely in there. He did have a nice nap in the car on Saturday afternoon - but he was still facing backwards then.

Grandma and Grandpa will be here tomorrow YAY! I'm going to have to get a birthday cake baked I guess ... hopefully this afternoon. John's going out with friends who are in town from Montreal this evening, so I'll have to place to myself (with Landon of course) to get a cake baked.

That's the news ... not too much excitement I guess. The weather's nice - Landon and I just may have to make a trip out to the dollar store for some party supplies. He napped late today, so I'll have to get him tuckered out somehow.... Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Landon,
wow he has awho new world to look at facing front in the car.