Wednesday, May 23, 2007

back from long weekend in Sk

Well, we're back from another weekend in Saskatchewan. Landon and I hit the road Thursday morning, came home last night. John was camping with his friends back east -- he had MUCH nicer weather than we did! heh heh

But - Landon and I had a good trip. He travels pretty well. We stop once, the rest of the time he naps and squawks, it's manageable.
Saturday I got in to Swift for 9 holes of golf with Tilly and Savannah - it felt good to get out golfing again!! That's for sure. Sunday we went to Kyle to visit Aunty Vonnie -- who absolutely SPOILS Landon rotten!! So many gifties for the little stinker! It was a great visit, but I couldn't believe he wouldn't fall asleep on the way home ... 1.5 hours and he was awake staring at everything the entire time :-/ He went to sleep as soon as we got to the farm though!
Monday we went in to spend the day in Swift with Carla and the boys. Landon LOVES Ryder ... holy moly! He followed him around all day long! heh heh.

And Tuesday back to Calgary. I think Landon, John and myself were all glad to get home again! It was a great long weekend though. Now it's rainy (and snowy) and yucky. Blech. The weekend's supposed to be nicer though - hopefully.

I will have to dig up some pics and post them soon. I've been spending so much time on stupid facebook that I don't get to blogging as much :-/ Dumb addicting website. So I will get some pics on here shortly, adn will try to keep on blogging regularly. Sorry to all of those who miss the (more) regular updates!

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