Saturday, May 05, 2007

For Nikki ;-)

ahhh .... finally ... sun!! We went for a nice walk this afternoon, despite the wind :-P Blech! But it's nice to get out again.
We also went to the kids only community garage sale this morning, but by the time I got my sorry butt there all the 'good stuff' was gone. We did buy a few shirts for Landon, and a noisy toy (WHAT was I thinking??!!!).

Julie was here last night - on her way home from her TO class. It was great to have her again, and I'm looking forward to many more visits as we're only a few hours apart now :-)

And Aunty Laura is here for the weekend, for her class. John and I are looking forward to more visiting tonight, and some foot massages as Aunty Laura practises for her big test tomorrow. Everybody think good thoughts for her tomorrow so she passes :-D

And plans are in the works for next weekend --- I'm going to head back to Speedy Creek to golf in a ladies tournament. The last time I golfed in this particular tournament ... aiaiaiaiai. So I'm really looking forward to it - although I'll be some sort of sore after not golfing for the past 2 years!!

And to Landon - he's wonderful as usual. Was very glad to get outside today, to say the least!! He's getting better at holding onto my hand when we're outside, so he can walk on his own more and work off some energy! lol
He was pretty hilarious yesterday actually. He learned to scream ... all-out ... Aunty Laura would jump when he did it, so he'd laugh soooo hard, and scream again. He was laughing harder than I've ever seen. Aunty Laura and I were laughing so hard we were crying too. It was very funny - loud - but funny!! Hopefully we can curb the screaming habit though :-/ It's an awful sound.

And we're still on one nap a day ... it seems to be working. Although today the nap was over a bit early, so I'm not sure if he'll make it to bedtime tonight, or if he'll go to bed early, or if he'll need a bit of downtime on his own. I guess we'll see. He gets pretty tired by the time he goes to bed at night ... like one nap just isn't quite enough, and two is far too much. Add to that a shorter, earlier nap today, and it could be interesting. Ah well ... we'll see.

So that's the news from here. Will post again soon...TK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup Your sorry but was never on time or up very early.....well ok maybe sometimes. We are having a great spring.