Monday, May 28, 2007

Stinker !!

Well, Landon never did have a true nap today. Instead he fell asleep while eating his supper! LOL Right in his high-chair. I thought I'd never ever see that (Pam I guess you were right). John and I were chatting, I turned around and there was heavy eyes. I have some pics, I'll upload and post tomorrow. [ edited May 31 to add picture]

So Landon went to sleep - we put him in jammies and everything. Only to wake up 1.5 hours later. Crying. Hard. We got him up and let him play until about 10, then I did the whole bedtime routine, and he amazingly went down. At least I hope so - I haven't heard him over there since I put him to bed, so hopefully that's a good sign?

I guess he did have his nap, just much later in the day (from 7 - 8:30 pm!!). Tomorrow we will get him down for his nap properly -- this was the second day in a row that it was skewed (yesterday we went to MEC, and he fell asleep in the car on the way home).

It wouldn't have been so bad but he was such a grumpy-lumpagus all damned day. I was ready to string him up! sheesh!! Ah well....

1 comment:

niknac said...

come on T put down the face book and show us a post on the blog