Tuesday, May 01, 2007

John (finally) bought himself a bike

We went out tonight and John finally bought himself a new bike!! YAY It's quite nice, and I'm sure he'll enjoy riding it to work much more than his old bike. And I'm glad because he can quit fretting over which bike to buy - it's bought!! :-D

Landon was pretty good while we were out. We left home about 4:20 and didn't get back until 8 pm. Landon didn't even get a real supper - just crackers and cookies while we were at the bike shop :-/ He was in bed by 9 though, and I'm hoping he's down for the night! He was a real trooper though - smiling and flirting with everyone he met the entire time we were there. But after close to 2 hours in the bike shop, I was glad to get him out of there (it's tiring running after a 1 year old hoping he doesn't pull every bike in the shop down!! lol)

We had a nice weekend - Julie was up on Saturday, we went out for drinks Sat night. It's been a long time since I've been out in a bar. I don't miss it. But it was nice to be out with Julie. She'll be back Friday night too - after her course in TO.

Other than that, life is just ticking along. We got our taxes submitted last night about 11:58 pm or so. Of course :-/ aiaiaiai Next year maybe we'll get them done early. Heh heh

That's about it .... I'll try to get some pics up soon. I've been looking back at pics from the first few months of Landon's life ... *sigh* All wistful :-) SO hard to believe he's over a year already! lol And so darned cute too! tee hee

Until next time...TK

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