Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sleeper head :-)

Landon did something the other night that he hasn't done for months ... he fell asleep on John!! John was msn'ing with Guy and Donna, Landon was being adorable (or so I heard), and then *blink* he went to sleep :-)
It's part of this new transition I think. He has been fighting naps for us, sometimes not falling asleep for over an hour after we put him down. And then at night he's up 'til all hours.
On this day (of the pic) he had had only one nap. And then again Tuesday, Wednesday and today he's had only one nap. Tuesday was good - he was tired as we'd been out bike shopping. Last night not-so-much -- we're thinking he went to sleep well, but then woke up thinking he'd simply had a nap. He was talking and googling in his room. I went in a couple of times to put him back down (he LOVES to jump in his crib), and he finally went to sleep for the night at midnight.
Tonight has been better -- he napped even later today (2 - 4 pm) and went to bed at 9:15. I've heard some squirming, but I think he's sleeping, and I don't think he's woken up as if from a nap (not yet anyways).
So we'll see how this all goes. I wouldn't mind if he kept his 2 nap schedule as the second one was right when I would make supper, but hey ... what can I do? This way we'll have more of the day to do stuff, and maybe he'll get back to going to bed at a decent time (it's been running to 10, 10:30, 11 as of late ... mostly because he fights his second nap for so long, then sleeps until 6 or 6:30 and we have to wake him up!). So maybe, just maybe, this is the transition to 1 nap days :-) We'll see.
Other than that ... it's rainy here. We've had the May snow for this year, so hopefully that doesn't happen again. Big fluffly flakes ... so big they make 'smoocking' noises when they hit the windows! S'posed to rain again tomorrow :-( So no zoo plans for us! Not until Monday anyways -- when it's supposed to be in the 20's. I'm very much looking forward to getting to the zoo again - I think Landon will 'see' more this time, especially if it's nice out!
Aunty Laura is coming for the weekend as well - YAY!! She'll be here tomorrow afternoon, and will be doing her reflexology course Sat and Sun. We're looking forward to a nice visit again.
That's the news from here ... will post again soon (and yes, I'll try to take more pics and get them posted!!) TK

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