Thursday, May 24, 2007


On the walls, the change table, on Landon ...
yup - he grabbed his full diaper right out from under his butt, and within 1 nanosecond there was poop everywhere!! lol
Actually, it was a relatively small mess, I was able to clean it up quickly, and swear under my breath for a little while... heh heh. I put him down naked and he ran around the house quite happily that way! *shaking head* He loves that the suitcase is on the floor in our room - in and out and in and out. Too funny.
It's great just to watch Landon playing these days. He's really thinking through stuff, processing. He loves to take things (whatever things he has handy, like magnets, cards, pieces of paper, toys) from one place to another and back again. He does this very orderly as well. Take one thing to the chair, go back for the next thing and take it to the chair; then when all things are on the chair, take one back to the original spot, or maybe a new spot, and keep transferring things until they're all moved to the new location. Repeat.
He also looks like he's thinking through what to do next. He'll be playing, then just stop and think, and then move on to whatever it was he thought of I guess. At first I thought he was pooping, or farting or something, but nope - he's just thinking of something and then gets right back to playing.
And he'll be playing at something, then he'll stop, think, get up and race off to do whatever it was he just thought of. Something like "hey, I wonder if the phone will still make that awful beeping sound if I take the receiver off the hook and leave it dangling from the table". Or maybe, "so mom's not looking, I think I'll go and see if that stuff in the toilet is still wet and cold". Or another favourite "Hey look, mom's laying on the floor and not watching me. I should go and sit on her head!"

And Landon loves hide-and-seek games too. You don't actually have to hide, he just likes it when you look at him from under the table, then over the top of the table, then from beside the chair, then from under the chair...

So he's been very busy. He cannot walk to do any of these things either - when Landon moves, it's very quickly!! And I find I'm spending a good part of my day on the floor playing with him. It's so fun - who could resist!! He loves to play with pillows and blankets, throwing them around the room and then pouncing on them. It seems everything he does cracks me up - which is a good thing I guess. And I do enjoy those 2 hour naps in the afternoon - the only time of the day when I can actually get anything done!! LOL

So the weather's supposed to be nicer this weekend - which is good because I think Landon needs to get outside for some fresh air playtime. We've been cooped up since Sunday at Aunty Vonnies really - it rained at Carla's, and it's been raining and snowing ever since :-( So hopefully some good sunshine this weekend and we'll get outside to see if the lid for the sandbox actually kept the sand dry!

Hope everyone is well ... and not spending gross amounts of time on facebook like me :-/ Gack -- who invented that narcotic! sheesh!! Take care...TK


niknac said...

hahaha I told you so about the poop and it won't be the last time either. I was a little bummed about the weather this week.

niknac said...

Don't worry I think have spent all my free time on facebook as well. Its silly I have gone as far as adding it to my cell phone