Thursday, May 31, 2007

Picture updates - FINALLY

What you've been waiting for -- pictures!! I finally got some updated. I took quite a few the last few days, Landon's been particularly adorable :-) Considerably less pictures in my May 2007 folder vs May 2006 though ... heh heh Shame on me.

We've been having fun. As long as Landon gets his nap in, we have fun anyways. It is very important that he gets that nap-time or we're in trouble!! aiaiaiai But when he gets it he's pretty darned adorable all day long.

We went over to Ricki and Mike's yesterday afternoon to visit for a bit, and drop off our Baby Bjorn for them to borrow as Parker had been fussy. I find that story hard to believe though, as Parker was an angel the entire time we were there :-) I fed him his bottle, he felt so darned tiny!! Landon was a bit jealous, yes. I do not remember Landon being that small ever!! We got to have a very quick visit with Mona Patterson as well as she was in town at a conference. It's been far too long since I last saw her.

Today we went to visit Stephanie Weinbender ... I haven't seen Steph since sometime last millenium. She has a little guy, Iden, 10 months old. Very adorable! Landon was pretty good, didn't hit him too hard nor too often :-/ We had a nice visit, albeit brief (see note about getting naps in above!!). Hopefully I'll get a chance to see Steph and Iden a bunch more this summer!!

I got a haircut tonight - felt GREAT! It's still 'long', to my shoulders, but I got a good chunk taken off. It is much lighter and feels much better. Hopefully with less hair weight my neck won't bother me as much.

Other than that - we've just been enjoying the sun. Learning how to keep upstairs cool (downstairs never gets hot, but upstairs sure can). I'm going to have to get some curtains for over the blinds in the bonus room as I think most heat comes in there. But something that will still let air through, as we can get a great cross-breeze going. Landon has been hot at nights though - his room gets quite warm. Tonight he's just in pj top, and we leave his window open all night and it still doesn't cool down. I guess he gets late-day sun in there, and not much breeze as the window's sheltered by the house. *shrug* We'll keep working on it.

That's the news -- check out the pictures! Will post again soon...TK

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