Monday, May 28, 2007

Express Service and Running Wild

We went to get the oil changed today - at the "Express Service" ... heh heh. How can 1 hour to change oil be called Express Service??!! Beyond me. So that leads me to the next part of this posts title....

Landon was pretty good while we waited, and waited, and waited.... but eventually I did have to let him free of the stroller. And did he run -- he took off out of the lounge area like a shot, and ran literally everywhere in that building!! It was so funny - he runs knees up with his back ram-rod straight -- cracks me up every time. He ran through the show room, the offices, everywhere but the service bays! For about half an hour he ran. He was quite pissed that I wouldn't let him go through the automatic doors - those things were quite a fascination. But finally our car was done, and we got to come home.

he fell asleep 2 minutes from our house - the worst thing. By the time I got him to his crib, he'd woken up (the construction noise outside the window certainly didn't help). I've left him in his crib for half an hour now, but he hasn't gone back to sleep. I'm not sure what to do - he needs to nap, the 3 minutes on the way home won't be enough, but he's not going back to sleep now. And it's all because Honda doesn't know what "Express" means.....grrrr

Life has been fine. Landon is adorable. He's saying a few 'words' these days, we think. Guck for truck, Gragoer for cracker. We think that's what he's saying anyways...

so that's my story for today. I think I'll go get Landon up now, he can nap in a hour when he's ready I guess *Shrug* maybe I'll just give him a sandwich or something and some food will konk him out. Until next time...

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