Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fun weekend in Swift :-)

I sure had a good time last weekend, golfing in Swift Current. It had been awhile since I've been home with good friends just letting loose! The drive back to Calgary was pretty looooooong on Sunday though :-/ aiaiai

John and Landon had a good weekend too. They played played played all weekend long. When I got home, Landon was like 'hi mom' and then off playing some more! lol

We haven't done much this week. Bought some sand for his new sandbox ... he's been LOVING that thing! There's sand everywhere now :-/ And running around outside as much as possible - Landon does not like to be in the house for any length of time, that's for sure. So we go out lots.
He's still at 1 nap a day - it's working well. A nice 2-hour snooze at 1, he's in bed at 9 snoozing until 9 am. That I can handle.

We're getting ready to head to the farm tomorrow. Grandma *might* be a bit excited to see him, but I'm not too sure :-/ Heh heh Hopefully he'll travel well - we're leaving as soon as he eats breakfast. He'll be bonkers by the time we get to the farm - all that sitting all day. I'll have to let him out of the car and he can run run run at the farm. That will be nice.

So I likely won't post again until next week. Take care everyone!! TK

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