Friday, April 27, 2007

such a little monkey!

Landon continues to be so adorable it's pathetic! John keeps saying that we need to have another one so that I can quit oogling-googling over Landon so much -- he's probably right too!! aiaiaiai

He has left the door handles alone since discovering his new height, which has been nice. The only one he is very curious about is the basement door. I guess because he never gets to go down there? We have a lock on it, and he keeps fiddling fiddling (like his dad!!). He's not strong enough to manipulate it yet, but we're watching him!

The weather's been nice finally. We spend our afternoons outside as much as possible. Either going for walks or just playing at the park. Meeting lots of moms in the park too :-) Landon loves to swing while on my knee, and loves to go down the slide.

That's really the news from here - it's been pretty easy-going lately ... which I am liking! Julie comes up tomorrow which I'm looking forward to. And that's about it. Until next time...TK

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