Thursday, April 12, 2007

Landon on the mend ...?

As I type this, I am listening to Landon jumping up and down in his crib - - just like he likes to do before falling asleep for a nap! Good news!!
Last night he didn't fall asleep right away when I put him down, another good sign that he's recovering. He played in his crib for awhile before going to sleep. This morning he slept until almost 11 (!!!!), which means I had a VERY good sleep last night finally! I was up twice early in the night to check on him, and then at 6 am, and other than that I actually slept! It was glorious!

Of course him getting up so late means that he's likely to be up late again tonight, but I think I can handle that. I'm just glad he's getting back to his old self. He ate lots this morning, including some of my cereal, and played played played. So much different than yesterday when he ate and fell back to sleep in my lap right away!
It's finally nice out as well. I'm hoping we'll go to the park for awhile this afternoon - give Landon some nice fresh air for the first time in about a week. For mom too :-)

The only concern I have right now with Landon is a small rash he developed yesterday. He's got a light rash on his upper back, neck, and a bit on his upper chest as well this morning. I called Health Link, the nurse didn't think it sounded serious, so I'll just watch it. If it doesn't go away in the next day or so, we'll go off to the doc again. The Health Link nurse said that lots of times kids will get a rash after being sick, so unless it's oozing or itchy, not to really worry about it. Easy for her to say ... not to worry about it. I've become a pro at worrying this past week! aiaiaiai

But it is so nice to have my giggling, playing, dancing Landon back!


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