Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Our sleeper-head update...

Landon sure has been a sleepy-head the past couple of days. The illness and seizure must've really taken it out of him! aiaiai He woke up this morning crying hard until I fed him some cereal, then he fell asleep in my lap! He hasn't done that for MONTHS! So I put him back in bed shortly after 10, which is where he still is, sleeping away.
He was up for only a couple of hours last night and was back in bed by 10 pm (he slept from 6 to 8 before that). He slept through until he was sooo hungry I guess at 9:30 this morning.
So the days are quiet here. I know one of these times he'll get up and start running around, but until then all I seem to be doing is sitting here waiting for that to happen. All the sources I've found (including the Ped at Children's Hospital) say that there are no negative effects from a febrile seizure, no brain damage at all, but until I get my Landon back I won't be 100% positive of that. As tiring as it is, I want my crash-around Landon back, full-speed ahead! *sigh*

On the positive side, his fever is now very mild if there at all. Last night he was about 99.5 when we put him to bed. This morning he didn't feel warm at all. And I only got up about 4 times to check on him overnight ... heh heh So I'm still a bit tired today, but not as bad.

That's the news here ... just quiet around our house. Take care...TK

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