Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Update on not feeling good...

Well, Landon has had a day of ups and downs. He was slightly feverish most of the day, but woke up from his second nap early with a fever of 102, so I gave him some Advil. That took him from absolutely miserable to adorable in about 20 minutes, and he played happily all evening.
I just put him to bed though, and his fever is back up to 100.5, so I gave him Tylenol and some Dimetapp to hopefully clear his nose so he can sleep. He's in there crying now, so I'll have to go and check on him shortly. He was pretty wired, not really wanting to settle down, so it could be awhile before he gets to sleep. *sigh* Hopefully he will sleep some tonight, so that John and I can get some sleep too.

Well, I'm off to check on Landon now ... more tomorrow. TK

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