Sunday, April 08, 2007

Still sick :-(

Landon is still under the weather :-( He's been feverish all weekend, fussy and bothered. Poor little guy, breaks our hearts. He was pretty good Fri night, but Sat afternoon he started getting super hot (while mom and Aunty Vonnie were shopping). Sat night we put him to bed with a fever of 103!! I slept in the chair in his room so that I could check on him all night long. Today I bought a cool mist humidifier so hopefully that will help him more tonight. This afternoon during his nap he sweated, so hopefully he's working through this fever and will recover soon. Tonight he's in a better mood - but he's definitely playing 'mama's boy' tonight!! lol No one else is really good enough, that's for sure!!
If he's still feverish tomorrow, we're going to go to the walk-in. It'll be 6 days of fever tomorrow, which is more than enough in my books!! aiaiai

Aside from Landon being so sick, we've been having a nice visit with Yvonne, Greg and Kyle. Lots of good food and good wine. Of course, that's when we actually see Kyle ... he's usually MSN'ing or texting with friends :-/ Teen-agers!! LOL

That's the quick note for today - I'll post tomorrow on whether or not we go to the doc. Until next time...TK

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