Sunday, April 15, 2007

and the weekend's over :-(

Another weekend has come and gone. But at least Landon was healthy for this one. Yesterday we went shopping -- for some clothes for John, and some computer stuff, and we went to the pet store which Landon loved :-) I think he was just happy to finally be outside!! LOL And he loved running around the clothing store while John was trying stuff on ... kept me running too.
Today we went out to Jason and Christine's - they are from 'back home' and now live on a great acreage just outside of Calgary. We watched the hockey game, then the kids played outside. Landon had a blast - so much space, he just walked and ran all over, picking up sticks along the way. And he got a ride in their wagon, which he really enjoyed too. It was pretty nice - we really appreciated the chance to visit with them, and it was fun to watch Landon 'play' with their 2 girls - Jaiden and Madison.

Tonight, we are just hanging out, not doing much. Landon is playing full-speed ahead again. After dinner he ran around and around and around the island, he was huffing and puffing but he kept going. So I'd say he's back full-speed :-) Which is very nice, for all of us. Of cousre, his little adventures have us chasing him down all the time, and half the time he's got himself in some sort of a predicament, but it's fun!

So that's the Sunday Report. All's well in Calgary!! Take care...TK

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