Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Weather warning ...

So THIS is what Calgary's all about -- a snowfall warning for mid-April! heh heh S'posed to be nice and snowy tonight and tomorrow - YAY. Luckily Landon and I spent lots of time outside yesterday, so hopefully we won't suffer from too much cabin fever for the next couple of days :-)

We went to aquasize yesterday - it was nice to get back there :-) Landon still loves the water ... yesterday he tried to drink the pool dry. Idiot- then he puked it all back up (of course!). But we had fun in the water, which was good.
We went to the park yesterday afternoon, and Landon went down the slide 'by himself'! That is, I would put him about half-way down, where it's kind of flatter, and then go to the bottom to catch him. Usually I'd have to tug his shoe to get him to come down the slide, but he absolutely loved it. He enjoyed the swings too, and watching all of the other kids, and running around on the grass as well.

Last night we ran around on the 'prairie' behind the house for awhile as well. Landon loves to be outside. We've got the gate up on the deck, so we can leave the patio door open and he goes in and out. It still takes him awhile to get in and out, but he's getting better.

He's not stupid either. He took a couple of hard falls in our bathroom over the past 5 days or so ... once with slippy pj's on, and the other night on some water on the floor (which he'd splashed there while bathing!). This morning, he would NOT walk on the bathroom floor - he'd stand on the rug and whine for me to pick him up!! funny guy. Makes me laugh.

I guess I should get some pics uploaded to put on here ... it's been awhile. I'll work on that! Promise! Until next time...TK

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