Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Fever and seizures update...

Landon is doing much better today. He's been such a sleeper all yesterday and today ... he slept all but about 5 hours from 7 am yesterday morning until noon today! aiaiai But he was up for a couple of hours this afternoon - had a good lunch, played for awhile, and then back down for a short nap until I get him up in a few minutes to go to a dr appt. This appointment is just a follow-up with our family doctor, just to double-check his ears and chest, etc.
Landon's fever is down today, almost gone really (knock on wood!). I've only had to give him Motrin once since yesterday afternoon, which is nice. Hopefully we are getting to the very end of this illness, and our Landon baby will be back to us soon. While he's playing and stuff, he's still a bit of a dopey-head, so I'm looking forward to him being his old self. And I'm looking forward to me not feeling like I have to check on him 36 times a night, just because he moaned or grunted in his sleep !! lol aiaiaiai

So that's the quick update - Landon's doing better. Thanks for all of your emails and thoughts...I appreciate them all! Take care....TK

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