Friday, April 20, 2007


It cracks me up that 2 months after Landon learned to walk, he's learned to crawl 'properly' - by that I mean on two knees and two hands (versus his crawl which was one knee, one foot, two hands). Funny little guy - he looks so funny now crawling for all he's worth on both knees ... his bum just a-wiggling!! lol Now crawling is a form of play for him, which makes me laugh so hard!!

Today we went swimming- he had a blast. He 'swam' for all he was worth for about 15 - 20 minutes!! We went through the 'river' and under the fountains ... he was very busy! Then he had a very good snooze when we got home! lol I really enjoyed it too.

That's the news - not much from here today! Until next time..TK

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