Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Finally - some pictures!!

Finally got some pics uploaded for everyone :-) The one where Landon is lifting the pot is from Apr 1 - before he got sick. Our strong little muscle man -- he loves to pick things up and carry them around!
Then when he recovered from being so sick, we got a pic of him with dad (this is from one of the first days he didn't sleep all day).
And the little monkey playing with our big pillows - another favourite item. He tries to carry them around (which is hard because they're as big as he is), and when he gets tired of that he throws them on the floor and throws himself on the pillows. Until he misses (which he's done a few times now) and slams his face into the floor. It's pretty funny to watch actually (yes, we are VERY mean!! LOL ) :-)

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