Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Not feeling so good update...

Well, last night was better. Landon didn't go to sleep until about midnight - he just wouldn't settle down, and I did not have the heart to leave him in his crib crying. In the end I had to - he would cry for about 5 minutes, then be quiet for about 5, then cry again, then quiet ... after about half an hour he gave in and went to sleep. Broke my heart - but he would cry even when I held him, and he was just so tired all he could do was rub his eyes and rub more snot across his face (eeeeewwww). He woke me up crying at 2, but by the state he was in when I went in there I think he'd been crying for awhile already, maybe 10 minutes or so. He cried cried cried and then fell asleep on me on the couch likely about 2:30. We slept there until 6 when the coffee maker kicked in. Well, he slept pretty well, I mostly just dozed on and off. He's such a squirmy little monkey. It's been a long time since I held him while he slept, he's soooo big!! But we managed it all right on the couch. I put him in his crib at 6, and he slept until 9:30.

he has big dark circles under his eyes today - poor guy. They look bruised they're so dark. They got better after his first nap though, so hopefully he's regenerating. His fever was down today, but started to creep back up before I put him down for his second nap so I gave him some Advil again. He plays some, but mostly he's a snuggly, huggly guy today. Thankfully he's still got a good appetite, and has been drinking too. We'll just have to keep on watching him. I'm waiting for an ear infection to settle in - I'm avoiding taking him outside as much as possible. Poor kid will be suffering from cabin fever soon too!!

John luckily managed to sleep all night, didn't hear Landon crying at all. So that's good - hopefully he'll be feeling better today and will be that much closer to being over his cold. I'm feeling better, despite such little sleep. I haven't been doing much - just putzing around. It is amazing how much I can get done without really trying when I just stay home all day though :-)

That's the news from here ... keep thinking healthy happy thoughts for Landon! TK

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