Sunday, April 22, 2007

weekends go by too fast

The weekends sure do fly by quickly - holy moly!! Yesterday we did some shopping at MEC -- I bought a shirt, John bought bike stuff (new tires for my bike actually ... pretty nice!). Landon just squirmed in his stroller, wanting to rip everything off of every shelf if he could only get free. Until he found the new tire, then he chewed on that for awhile :-/ Nice.

today we went out back for a bit - John and I threw the football around, Landon ran around and go muddy :-) Every time he fell he'd just whine - I guess the ground was muddy and cold so he was afraid to move. He'd just wait until we 'rescued' him! Goof!!

We think we might've figured out one of his 'words'. Today he pointed to a cookie (sometimes also called a cracker) and said "Gaakoo" ... we think that might be cracker ... but it might just be coincidence *shrug* We're just waiting for that first word to come out. Like everything else Landon does, I'm sure he won't talk, won't talk, and then one day he'll say a full sentence. *shaking head* He does say 'mom mom mom' and 'dada' very well, and he's even starting to reserve them for John and I accordingly. And he repeats what we say, as long as it's something he feels confident 'saying' -- like goo goo, gagagaga, lalalalala, dadada, dodododo, dado, etc. Dado seems to be a favourite, esp if he finds a 'treasure' (a treasure is anything he thinks is a neat find, then he runs away with it clutched protectively to his chest. If you try to take a treasure away, you have a fight on your hands, and some dirty looks are coming your way, and quite likely some straight-armed feet-stomping too).

That's the news here today. Not too much - nice quiet weekend :-) Until next time...TK

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