Thursday, April 19, 2007

Two New Things :-)

Lock your doors- because Landon can now reach the doorhandles :-) That's right - yesterday he opened the pantry door for the first time. He can reach and knows how to work the 'french door' handles, but he can't turn the door knobs yet, so the outside doors are safe, for now. Heh heh, the house just got a whole lot bigger for our little explorer!!

AND -- FINALLY -- Landon got his 8th tooth!! YAY The last tooth came in on Feb 13, so it's been quite awhile since we saw something new in there. Now he has 4 teeth on the top, and 4 on the bottom - he's evened out :-) And he's chewing and biting anything and everything that gets even close to his mouth too - fun.

Our computer crapped out this morning - - it just wouldn't turn on. It was our power supply box :-/ Luckily I phoned the right repair place, and the dude was here at 5:30 and had our computer fixed up by 6 :-) yay I say I phoned the right place because another place I phoned said we'd have to order the power box from Dell, and it'd 2 or 3 weeks (!!). This guy brought one with him and we're all good to go. I guess it pays to phone around :-)

Our weekend has opened up, as Tanya had to cancel her trip at the last minute. So John, Landon and I will be hanging out in the snowy weather. We're thinking of going to get John a new bike, and some new accessories for mine. Other than that, no real big plans, other than avoiding the snowy conditions as much as possible.

That's the news from here. Hope all is well with everyone. And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Grandma Leisle tomorrow :-D Take care...until next time! TK

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