Thursday, April 05, 2007

Feeling better...

Well, Landon seems to be feeling better. He slept all night long, which was good for him and for mom!! He didn't get to sleep until ~11 pm, but he slept until 10:30 am. Tonight may be a bit later, but Ill have to get him up in the morning so that we don't lose this nice getting up a bit earlier thing :-/ That's okay, though -- we have plenty to do before Yvonne, Greg and Kyle get here in the late afternoon :-)

I'm the one feeling crappy tonight though. I hope it passes quickly! Maybe another good night's sleep will really help.

Landon's cute as a button today, of course. Amazingly, he laughs when we do the snot-sucker thing on him now (sooo much different than the hysterics when he was younger!!). I think the sound it makes makes him laugh, the sucking, gurgling sound! LOL What a kid. There are still hysterics when we wipe his nose though ... heh heh
But I did take him out today. He didn't get out of the car, but at least he got out of the house for awhile. We picked John up from work and did a couple of errands (John just stayed in the car with Landon). Saturday we'll likely get him outside for some fresh air as it's supposed to be a lot nicer.

Anyways, that's the quick update. Landon's definitely on the road to recovery (let's hope I didn't just jinx it!!), and hopefully my 'flu' will be short-lived. Have a good Easter everyone ... in case I don't post throughout the weekend! TK

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