Monday, April 02, 2007

Fun Weekend!!

I had a great weekend! Carla was up playing hockey in a tourny in Airdrie, so I spent Friday and Saturday nights with her and the team. It was great to see Carla playing hockey, I haven't watched her before (she is good, all this time I thought Dave was just bragging up his woman, but he was right!). Both nights were pretty low-key, but it was just nice to get out for awhile. Made me appreciate being home with Landon more too - having gone out I've kind of recharged my batteries and I am more patient and everything today.

Landon had a good time with dad. Well, I don't think he even knew I was gone Friday as I left after he went to bed, and was home before he woke up. But Sat I went for supper and came home Sunday afternoon. So Landon and dad had fun together.

I took Landon out to watch Carla's hockey game on Saturday morning. At first he wasn't too interested at all, but then I think he actually saw these people moving up and down the ice, so fast and so smooth - he was mesmerized! He actually sat on my knee and watched the game -- hard to believe for a kid that barely stops moving all day long! lol

Saturday afternoon we went to a family fair / trade show. It was pretty good - much better than the one we went to last month, that's for sure!! Landon enjoyed it too I think - he got to see a big blue mascot-type thing, played with some bubbles, went to the petting zoo (which had only little goats, but that was ok), and was just generally pretty cute. And thirsty ... we had to find some sample/give-aways to get him more to drink ... he drank his juice in about 13 seconds flat!!

It's a snowy wintery wonderland outside again today. We didn't leave the house! lol I will have to go get some groceries and stuff, but I thought I might do that tonight and leave Landon with John. I don't mind the cold too much, but I don't like to take Landon out when there's too much of a windchill if I can avoid it. And since John's just getting over a cold, I don't want to put too much strain on Landon's immune system and maybe he won't get the cold. I myself am taking Cold F/X for the first time in sooo long! One of the benefits of no more nursing :-)

Yvonne, Greg and Kyle are coming up for Easter weekend! YAYAYAYAYAY We are so looking forward to having them. It'll be nice because it won't be as many people as Christmas, so we'll get a chance to visit a bit more. And the weather's supposed to get nicer for the weekend, so that's good. I will have to get my freaking house cleaned this week - aiaiai I can't believe how much a person can fall behind just by going out on the weekend! Nuts!

Landon's doing pretty darned good on the stairs now. He can climb them no problems (usually - we do still need to be right behind him just in case). If only he would climb the stairs to the bedrooms when I want to go there instead...he always wants to climb up to the bonus room it seems!! He is getting better at crawling down the stairs too - yesterday he made it all the way down by himself (again, we are right there for the times he decides to just sit down!!). But he's getting much much better, and very quickly too. Aiaiaiaiai

That's the news from here for now. I'll try to get some pics posted soon. We got some of Landon carrying one of our big clay pots yesterday, how he could lift that thing and still walk ... it's heavy and big. What a kid!! He loves challenges!! Until next time..TK

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