Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sick little Landon :-(

Last night Landon was up most of the night - screaming and howling in pain. Poor little monkey-pants. We're not exactly sure yet what's up. At first we thought it was his tummy (at the 11 pm and the 12:30 am wake-ups). He farted a couple of times then would settle down. We gave him gripe water too. But when he woke again at 2, 3:30 and 5 ... aiaiaiai I gave him Advil at 5:15, and by 6 he went to sleep (in his crib) until 10 am. Phew! He would wake up, cry hard for about 15 minutes, then have trouble getting back to sleep for another 15 - 30 minutes. Then sleep for about an hour and start all over again. I slept with him from 2:30 on, in the big chair in his room. But at about 5:45 (after the Advil) he no longer wanted to be on me (which was good news, meant he felt better) and he slept in his bed. Thankfully I then could get some sleep. But not poor John - he was up at 6:30 to head to work ... so I'm sure today is dragging on for him.

So, maybe tummy, but I don't think so. I'm thinking either he's caught John's cold, or his eye teeth are starting to come in. His nose is runny today, and he has a slight fever (100.3 - 100.6). But he's eating and drinking well, and playing away (just took a bunch of John's records out of their box...aiaiai). And he napped well this morning too. So unless he gets worse, we'll hope that we've experienced the worst and hopefully we can all get some sleep tonight.

and hopefully whatever it is has run its course before Aunty Vonnie, Uncle Greg and Kyle come for the weekend.

Poor little Landon. Everyone think healthy thoughts for him today :-) Until next time...TK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my check if it is ears, when teething tanzly would get inner ear infections and she never once grabbed her ears like they tell you kids will do. Poor lil guy