Wednesday, July 09, 2008

9 pounds, 8 ounces already

Arlan has gained a full pound over his birth weight ... we were at the doc yesterday. Little piggy! And on the verge of a 3-week growth spurt, whenever that's going to hit :-/ He's doing well though - still a bit jaundiced but the doc wasn't at all concerned about it (it's due to the bruise on his head healing ... now that it's pretty much gone the jaundice should disappear shortly). So he's healthy :-) And last night he let me get some sleep which was nice (the night before was a LONG one...Arlan was up from 1:30 until 5 am :-( ) -> last night I was up to feed him twice, but he went back to sleep nicely when he was done eating. I sure hope to have more of those kinds of nights!!

Grandma and Grandpa Leisle are up for a visit until Fri or Sat, and Brian and Uncle Neville are here until tomorrow afternoon. It's been a full house, but it's been fun. These folks are taking care of themselves for the most part, so I get to visit when I can. And Landon loves having everyone around too!

That's the news from here for today - I'll try to get some pics taken and then post soon.

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