Monday, July 07, 2008

Fun days of summer...

Arlan is starting to take in the world around him a bit more. Here's a pic of him playing on the playmat - he was actually checking out his reflection in the mirror hanging there...sort of :-) We get a couple of doses of happy awake time during the day, which is nice. It gives Landon a chance to check Arlan out too ... he likes to lay on a blanket on the floor with Arlan when he gets a chance. He'd also like to poke his eyes for some reason ... but so far we've managed to spare Arlan's sight! Landon does give Arlan kisses on the head though, which is very nice.
Landon has been a cute monkey too. Hopefully that's a sign that he's settling in okay with this big brother thing. Here he's pointing and clicking the remote control at John and John points and clicks the camera at him. It was pretty funny.
Tonight John was singing Landon songs when he put him to bed. They play a game where John will start a song and Landon will say 'yes' or 'no' if he wants to hear it. John had run through his repertoire of songs hearing a 'no' for each one, and said to Landon that he just didn't know what song to sing. Landon looked right at him and said clear as a bell "Purple Haze". He loves rock and roll, dancing around like a lunatic to the radio too. I have scary glimpses of the future.......
Oh yeah, and Landon got another 2-year molar ... his top right one. Only one left to come in (the other top one). Could explain why this runny nose hung on for so long. He seems much better today - although he was sure chewing his fingers tonight. But if he's done popping teeth for awhile, maybe his soothers will last a bit longer. I look forward to the day we toss soothers out for Landon. I'm hoping when he sees Arlan with a soother (which I'm looking forward to introducing as he LOVES to suck!!) that he'll equate soothers with babies and not want one anymore. Hey - I can dream can't I?
Tomorrow Brian and Uncle Neville arrive to take in Stampede festivities for a couple of days. Plus my mom and dad are coming for a few days too (dad may just get dragged down to Stampede too!!). Plus, John gets basement inspections (electrical, plumbing and framing), and Arlan has a dr appt in the morning. It's going to be a big day - I hope Arlan sleeps well tonight. Poor stinker was gassy from about 5 am this morning, then I missed my afternoon nap, so I'm hoping hoping hoping for at least one good stretch tonight....*fingers crossed*

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