Tuesday, July 29, 2008

quick stats update

We went to see the doc today. Arlan HAS been eating like a piggy :-) He weighs in at 11 pounds, 5 ounces ... almost 3 pounds over birth weight, and almost 2 pounds in 3 weeks!! Piggy!! LOL He's also over 24" long! No wonder he's outgrowing the 3 month clothes so quickly :-D
All else is well - he's still a bit jaundiced, but the doc still has no concerns with that. So he's a healthy little eater and that's that.

I also went to a movie today - Mama Mia! It was okay, Arlan ate during the movie (as opposed to the other movies where he slept through them) but he was still very good.

Speaking of eating ... it's time for another feeding for Arlan. Until next time...

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