Tuesday, July 15, 2008

our monk?

I cut Landon's bangs yesterday ... the first time I've cut hair since I cut off my Wendy Walker's hair at about age 6. The results of both haircuts are surprisingly similar actually. John thinks Landon looks like a monk! LOL I made only one snip ... I held his bangs up and snipped them straight across. It's a teensy bit short ... *sigh* Maybe I'll have to just keep taking him to get his hair cut at Beaners!! LOL

I went out to a movie today ... the Stars and Strollers movie was Wall-E. It was actually pretty good -- and it was nice to get out for the afternoon. I went with the neighbour, we had a good visit too. Arlan was very good - he woke up when the movie started (after 20 minutes of trailers), ate and then slept for the rest of the movie and the shopping that followed. Of course now tonight he's eating non-stop to make up for 'lost' time, but that's ok with me.

And Arlan's looking for food again, so I'm off. Until next time....

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