Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wow - little sleeper :-)

Gotta love a night like last night. Well except maybe the last 45 minutes that Arlan was awake as he was screaming his poor fool head off. When I can remember to just go with the flow, it's actually kind of cute to look at his screaming little face -- his mouth is as wide as it can go and he just bellers. Of course, mostly I'm trying to shut him up as the sound is enough to wake the dead!
But once he got to sleep at 10:30, he slept until 5 am (quietly too I might add, not so much of this grunting / squirminess ... unless I was just so tired I didn't notice...). He was up to eat (and poop of course), then back to sleep from 6 - 9:30!!! Needless to say I feel much more rested today than I have for the past couple of weeks (since the last time Arlan slept so well!!). And it was cute because he was snuggled right up to me. ... I guess he must've squirmed some because I put him to sleep in the middle of the bed. *shrug*

So I'm feeling pretty well rested today, which is good as we have a busy weekend coming up with Liz, Rob and the kidlets coming tomorrow thru to Sunday. We are looking forward to that. I haven't even mentioned it to Landon yet because he'd drive us nuts asking when they're getting here if he knew!! He already asks every single day when "grandpa grandpa" is coming to visit. EVERY DAY!! Then he asks if grandma is coming to visit. I think he wants more Reese's Pieces! heh heh

On another WONDERFUL note -- Landon has gone to bed the past 2 nights WITHOUT a soother!! YAYAYAYAY He has only one left, hidden away in the stroller, should disaster strike, but I'm thinking with 2 nights under our belt we will just have to stick to our guns :-) He also still had a 'broken soosie' ... one that he had chewed the nipple off of leaving only a stump. We gave that to him both nights, the first night he just tossed it. Last night when I told him he didn't need a soosie because they're for babies, he handed me that stumpy-soother and told me to give it to Arlan. So I took it and put it in Arlan's room. I sincerely hope that that's the end of soothers ... Landon was breaking the bank on soother purchases, chewing through new ones in only a few days. And he's definitely old enough to be without a soother ... I had been putting this off because I didn't want to take away a comfort for him with a new baby arriving. But it was past due I think....
Of course, Landon told me yesterday his mouth hurts -- we are thinking he's getting his last 2-year molar. I hope so - then we'll be done this teething thing for him and we can prepare to Arlan's teething expeditions!! Hopefully Arlan will hold out until 6 or 7 months like Landon did - especially since he's a chewer on the nipple ... *shiver*

So I should get going ... I'm enjoying some relative peace with Landon playing nicely and Arlan snoozing in his crib (he went to sleep on his own in there ... YAY). I probably won't post until after Liz and the fam leaves ... Sunday or Monday.

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