Saturday, July 12, 2008

I think we're alone now....

Well, everyone's gone home again, and it's just the 4 of us. John is busy working on a sandbox for the backyard, while me and the little boys hang out. Arlan gave me a rough night last night, so I'm not doing too much of anything today. Just trying out some lunar nursing tea that Juli sent to me ... it's supposed to help relieve infant gas, and our little guy is a gassy one, so we'll see if it helps :-)

Landon decided last night that we obviously weren't paying enough attention to him, so he found a pencil and went to work! He was very proud of himself, running downstairs "drew circle!!! drew circle!!!". On the wall! He also showed me how he drew on the 'paper' (he opened a word document on the computer ... I don't know how exactly ... and since it looked like paper he drew on it -> could I really give him sh!t for that?). So John and I had to erase the walls all the way down the stairs from the bonus room, and clean the computer monitor, and the window blinds (that must've taken some patience on Landon's part!). Little monkey!!! But it's all cleaned up now -I'm just glad it was a pencil, not a pen or a marker.

So our days are kind of slow-going right now, and I like that. Arlan didn't sleep well last night, so hopefully I'll get a good nap in this afternoon, and maybe we'll have some good nights ahead of us again. That's really all the news from here.....

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