Saturday, July 26, 2008

A-drywallin' Days at the Keller House!

John has been working like a beaver in the basement, and has gotten quite a bit of drywalling done. It's starting to look like rooms :-) He has rented a drywall hoist which has been a lifesaver for the ceiling and top sheets on the walls. So today the ceiling will be completed, the bedroom and the main room will be 90% done. The bathroom and the staircase, as well as the bulkhead at the bottom of the stairs, remain to be done. It's amazing what some walls will do for the look of the place....

John's work means that I've had some good practise with both boys full-time. It's been fine though, since Arlan is starting to settle down a bit and not nurse quite as often. So Landon gets some mommy-time back :-) We've spent time outside quite a bit as the weather's been so nice. Gotta' LOVE that sandbox!! LOL Plus we've gone to the park a bit, and Landon loves to climb climb climb all over the play-structure ... my poor heart!

Today I'm going with Trish to get a pedicure ... I'll take Arlan, hope he sleeps for the entire thing. Then me and the boys are going to a birthday party later in the day which should be fun. I hope it doesn't rain for the party so the kids can run off steam in Steph's backyard!

That's the post from here for now...

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