Friday, July 04, 2008

Arlan's growing like a weed!

I saw a lactation consultant today, and all is good on the nursing front. Soreness is disappearing and I got some tips to make sure it stays gone. Arlan's been wonderful all day - starting by only getting up once to eat overnight (and for only 45 minutes at that), and then sleeping nicely all day long. I am enjoying being able to nap with him in the afternoons, while I can -- his schedule definitely isn't in synch with Landon's ... Landon naps at 1, Arlan has his nice 2 hour nap at 3 or 4 :-/ But while John's home, I nap!

I got some shopping in today at Toys R Us -- spent the gift card for Arlan (a mirror for the car, some toys for the car seat, and a teething key ring), some stuff we needed (washcloths, diapers), and 2 puzzles for Landon -- a Thomas puzzle and a Cars puzzle. So he's been very busy doing puzzles since he discovered those. He LOVES puzzles!! These are the 24 piece size, just perfect for him right now. Any bigger and I think he'd get too frustrated. But at least we have some variation in puzzles -- the single Thomas puzzle we had before was getting worn out quickly!! LOL

And Arlan got weighed today (hence the title of this post). He's 9 pounds, 4 ounces already! So he's more than gained back his birth weight .... All this nursing is paying off! And I'm wondering if the tips the consultant gave me today aren't helping his nursing sessions as he has been satisfied quicker while feeding today. Either that or he's just waiting to feed like a maniac all night long *shrug* We'll take it as it comes I guess.

Anyways - that's the bit of news from here today.

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