Thursday, July 17, 2008

Poor gassy baby

Poor gassy Arlan - I think there's a post titled very similarly for Landon back when I began blogging too!! LOL Arlan is such a reluctant burper, it takes like 20 - 30 minutes to effectively burp him. Very tiring on mommy!! Especially when he wants to fall asleep nursing all the time! The end result is a lot of gas working it's way out the other end. That has made for some relatively sleepless nights the past couple of nights. Arlan doesn't really wake up fully, and isn't yet hungry, but grunts and squirms and wiggles. The soother brings some relief to him, but it is short-lived. After a while of that, he can usually pass what needs to be passed, then he's hungry and I'm up to feed him. Then we go through the whole thing again. I am getting a couple of hours at a stretch, but it is so tiring! Ah well...

Landon had a fun visit with Aunty Jenay yesterday -- and so did John and I have a good visit too. This morning she's off to Korea again, but Landon asked for her as soon as he got up. He was so disappointed that she wasn't still here. Poor guy. He's at the store with dad right now (he calls every store 'stupidstore' now ... even if they aren't going to Superstore!! LOL).

And Arlan managed to fall asleep on his own in his crib for a short nap this morning - very nice. He's awake now though, and probably hungry too. So I guess I'll go rescue him. But at least he isn't screaming to be fed - he seems to have left that trick back at about week 2 (thankfully). But I'll go get him before he reintroduces it!! Until next time....

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