Monday, July 28, 2008

Finally I feel a bit more human!

Saturday was a fun day, but it sure tuckered me out!!
Trish and I went for pedicures on Sat afternoon -- my first trip out of the house without any kids in a LONG time! It was nice :-) John had it pretty easy I think ... Arlan slept almost all the time we were gone, and Landon went down for a nap for a good part of it too. It was such a treat to get out and have a good visit with Trish and not be nursing / answering questions / opening juiceboxes, etc....

Then I took the boys to Iden's 2nd birthday party. That was a lot of fun, but tiring!! Landon had a blast playing with the kids, and eating hamburgers and cake. Arlan ate lots too while we were there, which is likely why it was so tiring for me :-/ We came home at 8, and all three of us were snuggled in bed by 10 pm!!

Last night wasn't as rosy though - I tried to put Landon to bed while John was in the basement (had a guy here to estimate mudding and taping) ... MISTAKE!! Arlan started screaming, then Landon got all wound up and I had a POUNDING headache that Tylenol wouldn't even touch -- with both kids yowling I was ready to run away VERY quickly!! Finally Landon shut up after I threatened him to within an inch of his life, and with some help from John we got Arlan calmed down and sleeping by 11. I was asleep at exactly 11:01:15 I'm sure!!
The good news is that Arlan seems to be sleeping longer periods at night. Usually at least 3 or 4 hours of sleep, sometimes a bit longer. He's a noisy sleeper -- much noisier than Landon was at this young age ... he grunts and squirms and farts all night long. I am starting to think he'll be in his own room at an earlier age than Landon was too ... although I don't want to jinx that possibility!! Landon moved into his own room at about 6 1/2 to 7 months I think it was. Maybe Arlan will be earlier -- he does seem to sleep on his own a lot better thus far, so maybe it'll be easier? He's already napping in his crib occassionally, so we'll see.

But - little tummies are rumbly, so I need to get going.... 6-week doc appt tomorrow, so stats update will come soon...

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