Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My house is peaceful again ...

Liz, Rob and the kids left yesterday morning for Saskatoon. They were here a day longer than anticipated thanks to Hertz providing such ridiculously poor service when they went to pick up their car on Sunday morning. So Landon got one more day to play with his cousins - which he took full advantage of. Landon and Izzy were too priceless -- they'd run and chase and squeal to no end. Thomson wasn't too interested in playing with Landon ... I guess he's just too small for him ... he'd usually be complaining about how Landon wasn't playing right (i.e. tattling on their hiding locations while playing hide-n-seek, or not building the train tracks right, etc). In a few more years they'll likely figure it out. But Landon LOVED having his cousins here -- holy moly! So much excitement for one little boy. I think by tomorrow we may have his routine back ... it's been a bit mucky as far as sleep schedules and meals go, but we're getting there.

Arlan's doing pretty well. His sleep was quite disturbed too with all the ruckus going on, but I think he's bounced back all right (since he didn't have a schedule to begin with, who's to really know??). But he's eating like a piggy, and gassy as can be :-/ I have mastitis and am on antibiotics, which I think are upsetting his poor tummy even more than it usually is. But his pooping seems to be getting more regular and less frequent, which makes it easier for us to deal with his poor upsets. He's having a good sleeping day today - which is a blessing!!! (Landon too - he's napping, something he refused to do yesterday ... can you say OVERTIRED?).

Yes, mastitis for me. It's usually a sign that you're doing too much ... which was likely true in getting ready for visitors. Now we are settling down again, and finding our routine with John back to work today. I have been on antibiotics since Sat, and am no longer sore, so that's good (no abcess to worry about). I just hope neither Arlan nor I get thrush or yeast infections from the antibiotics!

Landon is officially SOOTHER FREE! YES YES YES!! I must say, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be ... especially since Izzy still has a soother I thought Landon would want his back. But John and I worked to prepare him over the past few weeks (since giving Arlan a soother at 3 weeks we've been telling Landon that soothers are for babies). He has asked for it occassionally, but when we say soothers are for babies he replies "soothers are for Arlan". So that's good.

Landon is breaking his final 2-year-molar as well. Phew! I'll be glad when it comes on through ... I'm hoping it does this time anyways. That particular tooth made a bit of an appearance awhile back and receded, so hopefully this is the final debut :-)

So that's a quick overview of the past days. The weekend was exhausting (too many kids too young when you have a newborn & mastitis to boot), but we're all recovering :-) I will try to find some time for pics in the next few days too.....until next time....

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