Monday, August 18, 2008


It's bloody HOT here...aiaiai. We are hiding out in the house after a busy weekend sight-seeing around Calgary and Banff. The computer is acting up (actually blogger is acting up) so I am unable to upload more pics at this time, hopefully soon.

Aunty Allison has been visiting since Thursday afternoon. She came at the right time if she likes HOT weather. We've been close to or over 30 all weekend. Friday we went to the zoo with the boys -- see previous post. Saturday Allison and I took Arlan down to Prince's Island Park and just walked around and enjoyed the weather. Yesterday we took the boys on a road trip to Banff. Allison hadn't been to the mountains before, so we took the chance to head out. It was a long day, hot with lots of driving, but it was beautiful out there and I'm so glad we went. I'll go into more details when I'm able to post the photos.

Today we are hiding in the house - even though it's hot in here too!! Outside is 33 or 34, plus humidity! Blech! Tonight we'll sit in the backyard under the sprinkler I think!! And maybe tomorrow we'll head to a spray pool or something as it's supposed to be a bit cooler (high of 26 with humidex of 29 is sounding cool these days!!)

This morning I took Arlan to the doctor ... poor little stinker has a cyst on his anus :-( So he gets topical antibiotic for a few days, and we're back to the doc on Thursday. If it hasn't cleared up we may have to go into the pediatrician to check it out. Luckily it doesn't seem to be causing him any discomfort, but I am concerned about it nonetheless.

Anyways, I have a wiggly kid on my knee wanting to look at pick-up trucks, so I will post again when I can get the photos to upload. Until then....

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