Monday, August 11, 2008

poor cold kids!

Well, I think I've figured out why Arlan has been waking so much in his bassinet -- poor little bugger's COLD! *sigh* There goes that mother of the year award I was trying for :-/ He went to sleep nicely ~9:30 pm, and woke up briefly at 10:30. Then he woke up 'early' again, by 1 am. Instead of just feeding him, I picked him up and did my little bum-pat dance to put him back to sleep. It worked, quite easily. So I laid him in bed with us again, he slept until 3 am!! Then I fed him, he was sleeping again by 3:30, and this time I wrapped a big fuzzy blanket around him as well as the swaddling blanket. He slept until 9 am!! YAY He made lots of noises between 6 and 6:30 where I kept trying to put in a soother to keep him asleep. He just kept spitting it out and grunting more. I finally realized he was working burps out, and once he'd burp he'd be right back to sleep (if he was ever actually awake). So I just ignored him until he made big noise at 9 am. Much better - I feel better today too.

Landon slept in until after 10 this morning too ... maybe he'll be caught up fully now? We'll see. I'll be putting him down for his nap shortly - we'll see how that goes. He went right to sleep for John yesterday which was good. Of course, he's just devoured 4 freezies so I may have some difficulties...???

Not much news aside from the poor cold kids. Oh yeah - Landon woke up at 3 and was cold too ...kind of crying. John went in and snuggled him up and he slept well for the rest of the night. We keep miscalculating the coolness in the house after the hot hot days I guess -- we just aren't realizing how cool it really is :-/ Ah well ... we'll do better tonight, hopefully! until next time...

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