Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Visit from Aunty Yvonne and Uncle Greg

Aunty Yvonne and Uncle Greg were up for the weekend. Landon had fun showing off for them, mostly his whining voice and unpleasant behaviour :-/ But I guess that's a 2-year-old!!
We had a good weekend though. Saturday we went out to Olds to the birthday party - Aunty and Uncle spent most of the time chasing Landon around, the other portion of their time was spent 'dancing' with Arlan. I'm so thankful they were there though as I wasn't feeling very good, firstly with a major headache, and then some stomach upset. All of it went away over the course of the evening though (mostly when we got in the car to come home actually), which is good. I was worried I was getting mastitis again :-/
Sunday was a quiet day as Yvonne and Greg visited some of Greg's relatives, so I had the opportunity to take a nice nap with Arlan. Sunday night we visited some more, and then Monday morning they were off.
Sunday night we also had Jenay for the night as she was on her way back to Korea. It sure is good to get the chance to visit with her on her arrivals and departures ... I don't know when she'll be back next so I'm happy to have seen her several times over the summer. Visiting is hard with 2 young kids, but at least it's adult conversation that doesn't revolve solely around the kids (like mine and John's conversations most of the time!!).
So this week is quiet thus far. Just trying to sleep as Arlan has been a gassy pants, waking up a couple of times a night :-/ I'm just keeping my chin up, thinking 'maybe tonight he'll sleep better'. He's getting better at napping throughout the day though - I'm learning his 'tired signs' and what to do to help him relax, and he's falling asleep on his own in the bassinet for naps in the afternoons. In the mornings I try to get him outside, and he's napped quite well in the stroller while Landon and I go to Superstore, or the library, or just to the park.
I bought a new stroller last week. After having to carry Landon half the time while we were out n about with Allison, I invested in a Baby Trend sit & stand stroller. I bought it through craigslist (gotta' love that site!!). I LOVE IT!! Landon refused to sit on the 'old' stroller in any way (which I don't blame him, it's meant for only 1 rider), but he'll sit and sometimes stand on this one. It looks normal at the front end, but behind the main seat there's a bit of a 'jumper' seat where Landon can sit facing backwards, and there's a small deck for his feet to rest on or he can stand on that deck and face front. There's full seatbelts and a belt for behind his back if he's standing. It's lighter than the Graco, and it's easier to maneuver (although it's harder to 'tip up' to get the front wheels onto the curb, just because it's that much longer). I haven't put it in the trunk of the car yet ... hopefully it fits well. But let me tell you - I'm loving that thing and am no longer concerned about longer walks where Landon may tire out. Now we'll just go for walks and he can ride if he wants to.
I'm not looking forward to Thursday -- Arlan's 2 month shots :-/ We've finally just gotten through having to get Landon shots so frequently, and now we start with Arlan. Poor little stinker! Hopefully he won't have any bad reactions, and will actually be *like* his brother in this way (Landon would get slightly fussy, but usually some Tylenol was all he needed). At least it's on Thursday evening, so if we have some bad nights we'll be into the weekend and John can watch Landon while I nap with Arlan if needed.
That's the news for now ... until next time....

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