Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sat at Prince's Island Park

On saturday, Allison and I took Arlan down to Prince's Island park to just hang out. It was nice to get out without Landon (how horrible does that sound!!??) just because we could set our own pace and not have to be watching for Landon to disappear off into a crowd. Arlan was wonderful, sleeping the entire time, except for a brief time to eat (and hang out on the grass a bit). It was a beautiful walk, we waded in the Bow, watched Bow rafters, learned some stuff along the 'walk of learning', and just generally enjoyed the scenery. I would love to take the boys down there again (with John) just to hang out, it was so beautiful. Hard to believe it's right downtown Calgary ... some planners had their heads screwed on straight in 1970 when they designated that island a park (see ... we did learn some stuff down there!! LOL)

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