Saturday, August 09, 2008

hot days of August

We have been having some nice hot weather here ... Uncle Rob would enjoy Calgary weather this week if he felt it wasn't hot enough last week! We've been managing to keep the house fairly cool, thankfully. Gotta love how the evenings cool down here.

We have brought our bassinet up to our room now, and Arlan has slept in there the past 2 nights. The first night was a bit rough ... he was up twice to eat, and now that I'm used to only one overnight meal that was hard on me!! LOL But last night he slept until 5 am for his snack ... although I bounced out of bed about half a dozen times to check on him over the course of the night. But he snacked and then went back to sleep nicely until 9 am. It's nice to have our bed back - we can roll around and no worries about laying on Arlan or waking him up by our movements. He naps in there too in the afternoons, although in the mornings and evenings I usually have him outside with us (it's so beautiful out these days - and he doesn't sleep that long then anyways, usually only 45 minutes or so). He's SO different than Landon was at this age!! LOL He cries a lot louder than Landon did too....

We went to watch a friends daughter in Summerstock downtown on Thursday -- she was in GREASE. It was very good, although our seat was on the grass off to the side, so our view wasn't always that great, plus we were taking turns chasing Landon around. We had a surprise too with Jenay needing a pick-up from the airport on her arrival from Korea -- we picked her up and dragged her along to the play too. We rode downtown on the c-train which Landon LOVED!! But by the time we got home we were all bagged, and the house was boiling hot to boot. ugh But we got ourselves cooled off and in bed and saved our sanity (now remember, that's the night Arlan was up twice, so I was still plenty tired yesterday!! heh heh).

Jenay was here for a few hours yesterday morning before being whisked off by her family ... she's back in Canada for a wedding this month, but hopefully we'll get a chance to see her once more on her way back out. That's our benefit for living so close to the airport -- people really have to search for an excuse NOT to see us when flying into or out of Calgary!! Ha Ha

Other than that, we've just been enjoying the weather. Landon is still having trouble settling down for his naps, although it's getting a bit better. We're working on getting him settling down better at night too, although that's taking longer. I usually stand in his room reminding him to close his eyes and relax and take deep breaths... Last night he was doing nice deep breaths, and on his exhale he asks me to 'siiiiiiiiing soooooooongs' I couldn't answer for several minutes because I was laughing so hard! But he's getting better sleeps again (finally) and hopefully we'll get him rested up and back on routine soon. He'd better, Allison is coming for a visit this weekend!! LOL

And even better news -- Aunty Yvonne is coming to visit too, next weekend (22 - 25). Very excited to see her. I can't wait to introduce little baby Arlan. Grandma L will be jealous of aunty's visit I'm sure - she's wanting to come up for a visit again too but that darned harvesting thing is interfering. Ah well ... hopefully they'll be able to make it up if there's any lull in the activity, or else very shortly after harvest is done. Little Arlan is just a-growin!! Which reminds me...I should get some pics uploaded, so I'll quit typing now! until next time...

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