Thursday, August 14, 2008

No wonder ... no soosie!

Landon has been having such troubles falling asleep at night ... yes, more than 'normal'. We've been thinking he's just still out of sorts from the mini-tornados who visited a couple weeks back. Then it dawned on me ... NO SOOSIE!! No wonder he's having trouble giving in to sleep at night :-/ He's getting better though, the past few days have been markedly better. He has caught up on his sleep, which is undoubtedly helping as well. And he's learned to ' lay quietly, close his eyes, take deep breaths, and not to kick the walls' when he goes to bed. He still gets loud sometimes, but usually one reminder is all he needs. But when he's singing his "A B C D's" sometimes he gets too excited. He also likes to sing "Sing a song of Sixpence" and "Fe Fi Fo Fum" at varying volumes. Oh yeah, and the Mighty Machines theme song still. And he's always jabbering about "grandpa grandpa fireworks!" ... wherever that came from *shrug*

So Landon's doing a bit better at night. Arlan's doing a lot better too. He usually starts quieting down (or getting wound up if we aren't letting him quiet down) by 8:30, and is out for the 'night' between 10 and 10:30. He has been waking up once to eat ... between 2 and 4 sometime. I better not be jinxing this by typing it out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then he's up between 8 and 9 am. But a lot less crying going on these days, although there still is a fair bit, it's about half as much as before. He's settling down and I'm getting better at understanding what it is he's needing too.

And we're getting ready for "Aunty Allison" to visit ... she'll arrive later today. She is the great aunty that gave Landon the puppy blanket :-) She'll be here through the weekend ... poor gal, I'll be enlisting her help all over the place! lol Ah well ... It's going to be SO hot this weekend, I'm trying to think of what we should do to keep us somewhat cool :-/ We'll see.

That's that for now. Will post again soon ... hopefully with some new pics. Until then...

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