Friday, August 29, 2008

We survived the shots...

Arlan is a trooper, making it through his shots. He sure bellered though, and for those that have heard how strong his lungs are, you know just how loud he was!!! Afterwards, I was nursing him and the nurse sat beside us to review some information...he gave her quite the look -- like "YOU are the mean one! Back away...back away very slowly...keeping your hands where I can see them!!" Heh heh
But he hasn't had a bad reaction so far. We were advised to give him Tylenol every 4 hours for the first 24 hours due to Landon's history of febrile seizures. But last night Arlan slept so well that I didn't wake him for Tylenol -- he went for 8 hours between doses and was none the worse for wear because of it. I did check him several times while he was sleeping, but he had no fever at all so I wasn't worried. And tonight he has no fever either, so unless he gets one shortly I won't give him Tylenol before bed at all.

Stats: He's 13 pounds, 3 ounces, and 23 5/8" long (weird b/c at his 6 week check the nurse measured him as 24"....I think she must've read her tape wrong :-/). So he is growing just as he should...~ 1 ounce a day.
He nurses a lot faster than Landon did, finishing a side in ~10 mins or less, so it's good to see such solid weight gain. And if he could sleep as well as he did last night every night, we'd all be better-rested!!! LOL I am giving him simethicone again to help him fart easier in the hoped he'll wake less often overnight...hopefully it helps. I asked the nurse yesterday...simethicone isn't absorbed at all so it's very safe to use; and it certainly does seem to help.
Oh yeah ... he has a flat head on one side, and his right ear is slightly forward on his head :-/ He's always had the flat head...I think from being squished in the womb. But the nurse was concerned and suggested we take a 'positioning class' to help his head round out. Of course the classes are all full -- must be lots of kids with mis-shaped heads out there. It's called positional plagiocephaly, and if not corrected the shape could become permanent. I'm not overly concerned at this point as Arlan is starting to sleep more on the other side of his head, and he's spending more and more time upright or with his head in varying positions when he's playing. His neck is getting a lot stronger too, so he can turn his head easier. But I guess it's something we'll have to watch. After Landon's perfectly round head this seems a weird problem to have :-/ Hopefully it rounds out...otherwise they'll want him to wear a helmet ... at $3000 each!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways...that's the news on Arlan today. He's pretty precious, and I'm proud of how well he screamed at the nurse for poking him (and for how quickly he stopped crying afterwards too).

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