Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sleeping Stuff...

Well, we've figured out how to get Landon to sleep under covers. We blew up his Thomas bed, and now that's where he wants to sleep. Since there's a blanket as part of it, he'll sleep under that blanket. Just now he was playing on his bed with his trucks, getting ready for naptime. He must've gotten sleepy because I just went by his room and he's crawled into the Thomas bed, and even covered up with the Thomas fleece sheet he has in his room. So much for that twin bed!! LOL To think Ricki gave that bed to us as she wasn't using it, and now Landon is using it full-time! aiaiai I'm not sure he'll want to move back into his twin bed (what he calls the 'hard' bed now). It's been up since Thursday afternoon, and he's slept both nights and all naps in there since. I don't know if that's the best bed for him, but I guess we'll go with it for now :-/ Mom suggested telling him that this bed is for special times only, and in a few days I may just have to do that. But for now it's just neat to see him crawl into bed when he's tired and fall right to sleep.

And Arlan slept really nice last night. Gotta love it! He fell asleep after his bath, ~8:30. He slept until 3, ate and went back to sleep until 9 am! And not a grunty, stick-the-soother-in-to-keep-him-sleeping type of sleep ... nice, quiet, mom's-sleeping-soundly-too type of sleep! YAY I think it's to do with him getting simethicone the past couple of days ... he's not as gassy, and when he does need to fart it's not as difficult to do. Good thing!

So hopefully tonight goes as smoothly. John's going out, so I'll get both boys for the night and for putting to bed. The evenings are the most difficult it seems, Landon wants attention and Arlan's somewhat fussy and tired but doesn't always fall asleep so nicely as last night. But I'll have to get used to it, John's gig schedule is filling right up - already 3 gigs for Sept. I'm just looking forward to starting v'ball (late Sept) ... one night a week out! YAYAYAYAY!! lol

Arlan didn't develop a fever last night at all either, so no more Tylenol for him. If anything, I think he reacted less to these shots than Landon did. *shrug* Maybe the steady Tylenol the first day held off any reaction he would've had. I'm just glad those first shots are over with.

That's the scoop from here for today...

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