Monday, September 01, 2008

It's already SEPTEMBER???!

aiaiai...where does the time go?

Well, Saturday night Arlan certainly didn't go to sleep so nicely as I was hoping. It was a frustrating night to get both boys to sleep :-/ Last night wasn't much better either. Both nights Arlan didn't settle for the night until after 10! He just gets my hopes up with an early evening and then BLAM! 2 late(r) nights in a row!! LOL Ah well, we'll just keep on keepin' on.

Landon hasn't been feeling that well the past couple of days. Nothing specific nor major, just waking up kind of cranky, and he's been telling us his neck hurts (pointing to his throat). But once he's up for awhile he's back to full-speed ahead. Hopefully this is as bad as it gets, I don't want a sick kid ... not yet anyways, I know they'll be enough illnesses throughout the winter months!! But we'll just have to keep an eye on it, and have nice quiet days.

Yesterday I went shopping for most of the day. But I didn't buy much :-/ I got some nursing tops for these cooler days (now that it's fall - man, ALREADY!). Then I looked for warm fleecy pj's for Landon -- I guess they don't exist (or else the stores just don't have them out yet). So I will go back to ebay. Ebay is much more enjoyable than the mall on a long-weekend rainy day just before school starts as well :-/ Luckily I had left Landon home with John and so it was just Arlan and I. He was a trooper - although he didn't nap that well while we were out (which may explain his super-fussy evening last evening). Today we were at the park for Arlan's first nap, but he's snoozing peacefully in the bassinet for this afternoon's nap! And hopefully Landon starts snoozing soon too ... He has SO many trucks in bed with him, I don't know if he'll ever fall asleep!

So that's that. Not too much excitement here. Just hanging out close to home...........

Oh yeah - we're working on getting Landon more interested in potty training too. Yesterday he wore a pull-up (in the evening), and he even pulled it down, sat on his potty, and pulled it up by himself (no pee that time though). He also sat on mom & dad's toilet (with the big fancy seat) and peed a little too (with mom's help, otherwise he'd fall into the toilet!! LOL). So we're working on it ...

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