Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First night of volleyball...

I'm a bit stiff today after playing volleyball last night for the first time in almost a year. But it was so much fun - definitely worth it ;-) I think John had a fairly good night with the boys, Arlan showed off his lungs again, but now that we know he'll pretty much settle down for the night by 8 we can both just get through that crying when it happens and things go much more smoothly. It's good, because we've also learned that Arlan drinks 6 oz before going to bed ... so now I know how much milk to have here for John on those nights (or for someone else should he have another sitter).

Of course, leaving the house to get to volleyball was interesting ... isn't it always? I'd just pumped and was trying to put the milk in the fridge and wash everything up quickly before I changed and raced out the door. Arlan's kind of fussing like he likes to do shortly after 6 (needs some quiet time, maybe not a nap, but some cuddles for sure), so John has him. I look over and Landon's walking through the living room with his diaper hanging around one ankle ... leaving turds in his wake!!! It wasn't too bad, just added another element to my trying to get out the door!! LOL
And of course gas prices have gone down, and I had to fill up before going to v'ball too, so I wasn't sure I'd ever get there, but I did :-)

Tonight Landon didn't have poops in a diaper hanging off his ankle. Tonight he pooped right in the tub. I figured it was coming, he hadn't pooped all day, and he was in the tub giggling because he was 'making farters'. I was nursing Arlan to sleep for the night (of course) and I hear "MOM!! Big Deal! Big Deal!!" I knew what that meant. I walk in the bathroom and Landon is standing on one foot with the other on the edge of the tub, and he's in a panic! LOL Poor kid. So we got that all cleaned up and for the second day in a row Landon got to flush his poop down the toilet :-)
Landon has also peed on the toilet before bed that past two nights, and has been wanting his diaper off more and more. If we could just get him to remember to tell us he has to pee during the day we'd be well on our way. But *shrug* Tonight when I was getting him ready for bed he asked to pee on the toilet, so that's a good sign I think. We'll just keep plugging away (and apparently cleaning up poop!).

Arlan's adorable - so cute. Smiling and talking and cooing. I love his curly curly hair, and his big eyes, and his big smiles and little giggles. It's nice to be over those trying early weeks, now that he's 3 months I am better able to figure out what he wants, what works and doesn't work to calm him, etc. That and I've been getting nice naps with him in the afternoon again (does wonders for my outlook!).

Exciting news ... our neighbours had their twins yesterday! YAY Dara (6 lbs, 1 oz), and Evan (6 lbs, 7 oz). I hear she's doing well... it was a c-section so she won't be home until at least Friday. I'm so excited, can hardly wait to meet the little ones :-D

That's the news from here today .... until next time!

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