Monday, September 15, 2008

Finally ... some sleep!

Yes, I got some sleep last night. Poor Arlan cried so hard until we put him to 'bed' in the swing. He woke up at 12:30 to eat, but then slept in the bassinet ... and went back to the bassinet after his 5:30 snack too. Thank goodness!!! So I feel much better today.

So good that we managed to keep Landon's hair cut appt. Here are pics of the new 'do. I really like the back. Landon was pretty good at the salon. We went to Beaners again. He was a bit impatient, and there was only one gal working so she was trying to answer phones and sweep up and cut hair so it took some time to get to us. But once she started cutting it didn't take long, and she was good at keeping Landon 'happy'. He was really good until after his hair cut when he wanted to play trucks with another little boy -- where Landon's definition of playing was to want whatever truck the other boy had :-/ So I let him whine it up for about 10 minutes and then we came home.
While Arlan's feeling better today, he's still plenty stuffy and plenty grumpy too. But here are some pics of me actually getting him to smile. I shouldn't say it like that - he's a very happy baby (when he can breath through his nose!!), smiling lots for me. I just never seem to get it on the camera!! LOL But look at those poor red eyes ... poor little monkey :-(
That's the quick post for today...well for this afternoon at least :-)

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