Saturday, September 27, 2008

YAY - Arlan's room is finally ready

The poor kid is only 3 months old...but his room is finally 'ready'. Heh heh I got it painted today, and it looks pretty good. A few 'oopsies' in there, but ah well. Good practise for the rest of the house, if I ever get to it. I must say I'll be relieved to get the basement painted, since we'll be doing that before the flooring goes in it'll be 'easier'. I don't know ... I tape and tape and tape, and still get paint EVERYWHERE!!

So that looks good, and I'm tired, but pleased.

Tomorrow morning we're going to a birthday party. I told Landon tonight, he looked at me and said "Ooooh, there's going to be lotsa CAKE!". Then he told me there'd be candles, and happy birthday, and [blowing out candles motion]. Cracked me up.
It's so fun to watch Landon as he's growing. Right now his favourite 'game' is to point to an object and say "that's a ...." where we tell him what it is. That's fine when he's learning new things (like what all the items are in the Canadian Tire flyer, for example), but it gets pretty old pretty fast for stuff he already knows. And if I'm trying to talk to someone or get something done ... well, let's just say my conversations are short and I get very little done, ever!

Arlan's a cutie-patootie, I can hardly stand it. Right now we're working on him falling asleep (and staying asleep) on his own at night. He's been regressing a bit, and some nights I was spending an hour or maybe two to get him down. He'd fall asleep nursing, wake up when I put him down, snuggle in and go right back to sleep when I picked him up, wake up when I put him down ..... repeat endlessly. So the last two nights we've left him to work it out on his own. One of the bloody hardest things to do I think!! *sigh* Last night he cried for 1 hour, 20 minutes!! Good thing I was taping his room for painting, so I was able to keep myself busy. Tonight was much better though, only 20 minutes. We'll see how tomorrow goes. *shrug* All of this and then we'll move him into his crib just to throw a kink into it all :-/ Poor kid. But he's all smiley in the mornings, so it's worth him getting good sleep at night.

Anyways, I think that's all for now. Landon's adorable, I love how he can talk and tell stories. And Arlan just amazes me every day with all of the stuff he's learning. *GUSH* lol Until next time...

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