Sunday, September 14, 2008

No sleep for this mama

Arlan definitely has Landon's cold, and he's grumpy as can be with his sniffly nose :-( Poor guy. He was up most of last night. He woke by 9:30, we steamed him and set up the humidifier in our room. He slept from ~10:30 until maybe 1, then off and on til 3, then he was pretty much up til 6 :-( I did catch about 2 hours in little snippets between 6 and 10, as I gave Arlan to John around 8!!

He's been doing ok throughout the day though as we've had him napping in the swing. But tonight ... different story. He was so tired, with red watery eyes, but as soon as I'd try to put him down he'd be screaming full volume. So I put him in the swing. He's sleeping in there now, but I don't know how long that will last. I shut the swing off, so he's just sleeping sitting up, which is probably more comfortable for that stuffy nose. We'll just have to see. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight :-/

Landon's still pretty sniffly, but his energy level has completely returned. So he's just a cold ... no more fever or anything to worry about. And he's been loving playing outside as we've had some warmer temps. This week looks to be warm too - which is great news because .... Landon got a 'new' swingset today!!

John and I have been having this discussion for the past year or so ... I say we need a swingset, he's adamant we're not getting one. Well, the neighbour came over today while we were all in the backyard and said his swingset could either go in our backyard or out to the dump. John couldn't really say no as I was standing right there (he did admit that if I hadn't been outside he probably would've let the swingset go to the dump!!). So we brought the swingset over and Landon's super excited to have his very own swings! Can't say as I blame him :-) So we'll get rid of the little slide/swing thing that we have in the spring and the boys can have fun swinging swinging swinging all next summer :-D And I'll like it because I won't have to go to the park for 'finging' time (that's how Landon says swinging).

Well, think good sleepy-time thoughts for me. I hope I can fall asleep ... I'm in that 'just waiting for baby to wake up' mode :-/ *sigh* Hopefully these colds will pass quickly and we'll get back to some nice sleepy nights.

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